Pastors and leaders from as far away as 450 miles came to hear the teaching and preaching sessions held in Abidjan. One group rented a bus and came through the Rebel region. This is a group of leaders and pastors from Mahapleu whom Pastor Joseph, the national director of the mission, has trained personally. They have led more than 600 people to the Lord and planted numerous churches during the war. It was a great honor for us to have the opportunity to meet them personally, see their smiles, and be encouraged by their enthusiasm.

One hundred sixty certificates were presented to leaders attending the conference. More than 100 certificates were presented to women who came to the ladies conference.

Please pray for these leaders as they labor under difficult and dangerous circumstances. The Lord is truly blessing their ministry among the YACOUBA people, one of the unreached people groups of the world. We thank the Lord for their dedication and zeal to take the Gospel to their villages.