Construction on the building for the Bangolo Church and Regional Missions Center was started more than 12 years ago. Because of war, it has been impossible to continue the project until now. It is situated some 35 miles deep into the interior of the country from the capitol of Abidjan. This structure is much needed for the church and regional Bible Institute. Churches in Bangolo have just started learning the principle of “Faith Promise Giving” and are excited about joining forces with American churches to see this building completed. Though they live in impoverished situations, God is proving Himself strong as they exercise faith in what HE can do and see HIM provide. Although their gifts may seem small by comparison, they are not small by their standards. To churches practicing  this principle in the USA, the African churches say “thank you”. You are their model. There is hardly anything we can touch in the Ivory Coast Mission, including our own personal support, which did not come by way of “Faith Promise”. Yes, Faith Promise works anywhere, for it’s based on God’s inexhaustible Grace. II Cor. 8:1-­7; II Cor. 9:7