Flandapleu Church – Yacouba Village – It was nearly impossible to drive to this village but well worth the trip. Flandapleu Church - Yacouba VillageThe pastor brought a devotional and I preached a short message. We had one lady trust Christ as Savior during our meeting.

(shown in this image: This is their pastor. Pastor Simeon (with LaNelle and Me). He has finished our Bible Institute and is preaching to them every Sunday.)

The village chief was there to greet us and he told us we were the first white people to have ever visited his village.

The church has purchased land where the temporary building is sitting and are saving money to buy cement to make the permanent block structure. It takes a long time for them to do a project, the people are very poor but they love the Lord and will make every effort to accomplish the task.

We promised to purchase the metal roof when they get the walls up. When asked what they needed most…the answer was prayer.