New shoes, new clothes, and food for Christmas. Just to have the basics of life is a thrill to those who have nothing. The children are pictured standing in front of their new home (above). We have rented this until we can build a place of our own. It is too small to accommodate all the children, but it is large enough to place 45 beds. Some of the children are wearing their school uniforms and others are pictured wearing the clothes they were given for Christmas. Book bags are stacked in front. The School children are taking exams this week so please pray for them. They must have inoculations up to date before they are permitted to take the test. I will need to send $400 to cover this medical need. Some are sick and need additional medical attention. Thank you for the special gifts and prayers. You have helped us to accomplish so much. We are overwhelmed by your generosity.

Beds for the OrphansSince September 2006 your donations of $18,621.00 have been used for the following:

  • House rental for the orphans (6 months)
  • 45 Beds & 3 cover changes for each bed (more will be built as we find space)
  • School fees, uniforms, & supplies (66 children)
  • New clothes & shoes for Christmas
  • Medical needs
  • Soap, cleaning supplies, household needs
  • Food – approx. 67,932 meals
  • Transport/Motel/etc. for Pst. Joseph

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement as we reach out to Ivory Coast with the Gospel. You are a wonderful team of supporters.

* Originally published in a newsletter dated January 24, 2007