“Does the fact that multitudes are perishing ever cause us an anxious thought?”

“I know of nothing less than the Outpouring of HIS SPIRIT that can meet the situation.” O.J. Smith

A “Great Awakening” starts with a heart cry from someone. Who?

That ‘WHO?” could be you. The Bible clearly proclaims that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit upon the Earth. No one can deny, we are living in the end times and, before our very eyes, God is casting HIS net drawing men, women, boys, and girls, to Himself. The Holy Spirit is at work all over the World and we are seeing people come to know Jesus as Savior in some of the most unimaginable places.

The Holy Spirit is also at work in the lives of believers. Many who understand the eternal value of knowing Christ as Savior, are being called to complete surrender for the purpose and cause of sharing the GOOD NEWS with those who have not.

If you feel God is dealing with your heart, calling you to missionary service, and you don’t know where or how to begin, perhaps GAP can help answer your questions.

The GOAL of our missions service agency is to share the GOSPEL with every language group and every nation. Our discipleship and mentoring program is designed to help you accomplish the call God has placed on your life in the most effective and dynamic way possible. There is no place on earth closed to the Gospel. The message is the same, however, methods and means are not the same in every part of the world. An understanding of these things can make all the difference.

Isa. 59:1 “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:” God is still drawing people to Himself. HE is still listening to the heart cry of people who are searching for answers. HE is still calling “us”, those who know the Truth, to carry HIS message to a lost world. Is HE, perhaps, calling you?

Please contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions and find out if GAP Missions Service Agency is a good “fit” for you. We love to talk “MISSIONS”.