Oct 1, 2013 | Field Churches, Jungle Riders
A people dear to our hearts. Smiling kids with a handful of rice, a boy (most likely walking home from the family garden) in flip flops carrying a machete, and a lady washing dishes, are common “bush” scenes in the territory of the Gueré. Life is simple...
May 1, 2013 | Field Churches, Pastor Training
Mentoring leaders, encouraging the saints, and evangelizing unreached villages in the Western Region of Ivory Coast, West Africa. Discipleship and mentoring is the key to developing strong pastors and leaders. Due to the war GAP has experienced difficulty maintaining...
Oct 1, 2011 | Field Churches
Pastor Joseph, national director of the Ivory Coast mission, successfully made the trip deep into the Bangolo region on the mission motorcycle to our first church in the village of Guiri. The trail was overgrown. Blockades were encountered all along the mountainous...
Nov 1, 2007 | Field Churches, Pastor Training
Pastors and leaders from as far away as 450 miles came to hear the teaching and preaching sessions held in Abidjan. One group rented a bus and came through the Rebel region. This is a group of leaders and pastors from Mahapleu whom Pastor Joseph, the national director...
Nov 1, 2007 | Field Churches, Pastor Training
These students were presented certificates for completing a one year series of college level Bible courses in our training school. They are excited to have a place where they can study and equip themselves for the ministry to which God has called them. We feel...
Aug 8, 2007 | Field Churches, Pastor Training
National Pastors Bible Conference “National Pastors Bible Conference” and Crusade Sept 17th—27th Please pray for this event as National Pastors from all over Ivory Coast join together for a time of preaching, praying, training, encouragement, fellowship and...