Apr 17, 2015 | Jungle Riders, Medical Missions, Orphan Ministry, Pastor Training, Special Projects
Thank you for your faithful support, prayers rendered on our behalf, and for being our friends and encouragers. God has blessed the ministries of Ivory Coast beyond measure. Souls are being reached and we are excited about all the opportunities to work and serve in...
Nov 1, 2011 | Jungle Riders, Special Projects
LaNelle and I have been given a solar powered DVD projector and speaker system for outreach in remote areas. The system will primarily be utilized to show the “Jesus Film” in various languages spoken in Ivory Coast. Computers and microphones can be connected to the...
Dec 14, 2009 | From The Heart, Special Projects
This is a time when we take gifts to every orphan, where it is possible, under our care. Christians will be walking out of “bush” villages to Bangolo and Mahapleu to bring the orphans and celebrate Christmas together. Some walked as far as 38 miles last year to...
Jun 18, 2007 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry, Special Projects
$10,000 has been donated toward the purchase of land for the orphanage in Grand Bassam. Another $1,165 has been given by the children who came to Henry Baptist Vacation Bible School. This money is to start a fund to drill a water well on the property. Thank you,...
Jun 18, 2007 | Orphan Ministry, Special Projects
”Thank You” churches for everything you have done for the orphans of Ivory Coast. LaNelle and I know your prayers, gifts, and support are expressions from a heart of love. You are helping us make a difference for Christ’s sake in their lives. Your...