May 1, 2014 | Building Projects, Field Churches
Construction on the building for the Bangolo Church and Regional Missions Center was started more than 12 years ago. Because of war, it has been impossible to continue the project until now. It is situated some 35 miles deep into the interior of the country...
Apr 2, 2014 | Get Involved
“Does the fact that multitudes are perishing ever cause us an anxious thought?” “I know of nothing less than the Outpouring of HIS SPIRIT that can meet the situation.” O.J. Smith A “Great Awakening” starts with a heart cry from someone. Who?...
Oct 1, 2013 | Orphan Ministry
Just like all kids, the orphans love attention and they especially love attention from “Mama LaNelle”. They are off to school, about a 3/4 mile walk from the orphanage, with their new uniforms and a tough year ahead for many of them who fell behind in school work...
May 1, 2013 | Jungle Riders
Taking the Gospel into remote regions has never been more effective. The idea of taking the story of Jesus into remote regions where most have never had the opportunity to hear the “Good News” of salvation is being facilitated by GAP Missions via motorcycles and SOLAR...
Nov 1, 2010 | Orphan Ministry
It is time for “Christmas With The Orphans” again. Several people will be joining me and LaNelle as we make this special 500 mile trip into the Rebel Zone to present a gift to each orphaned child. For most of these children, this will be the only gift they receive the...