Oct 2, 2008 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry
Pictured here is the first floor construction of the three story dormitory. Blocks were made on site one at a time. Shawn has done a great job of overseeing the construction of this 102’ X 28’ facility. Each floor will house up to 48 orphans and four caregivers....
Aug 14, 2008 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry, Pastor Training
Mondoukou Church – Orphanage – Pastor’s Training School LaNelle and I would like to say “thanks” to each one on the 14 member mission team who went with us to Ivory Coast. The ladies did a great job of teaching the women’s medical training seminars and...
May 1, 2008 | Building Projects, Pastor Training
50 tons of rock + 50 tons of sand + 380 bags of cement—mixed with shovels by 25 men and transported on wheel barrows = a lot of hard work, but the foundation is finished and ready for the pre-fabricated metal building. Pastor Jim Fryer, Shawn Griffin, Jim Mullins, and...
Jan 1, 2008 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry, Pastor Training
Dear Mission Friends, This COULD be the year when Jesus comes! But whether this is the year for us to experience the Rapture or not, I do believe that we are close to His Coming. I believe you and I are being called to participate as we reap this last great harvest of...