Sojourners Together – July 2016

Sojourners Together – July 2016

Got to enjoy a service with family and friends at HBC before heading out on a late night flight From Atlanta to Abidjan. Passed through Paris then over the Mediterranean and Sahara Desert landing in Ouagadougou for a short pit stop and passenger exchange. Delta and...
Newsletter – 2016-05

Newsletter – 2016-05

This update covers the Marriage Conference in April where Pastor David & Tami Kennedy taught “God’s Design in Marriage”… an update on the Jungle Riders now developing two teams of riders… and James laying the Cornerstone for a new...
Medical Missions – July 2015

Medical Missions – July 2015

People living in remote villages in Ivory Coast have limited possibilities for medical help when stricken with sickness. Some miraculously push through high fevers and trauma and live, many do not. In America, doctors once made “house calls.” This med-team made...
Jungle Riders Update – April 2015

Jungle Riders Update – April 2015

It’s OFFICIAL!!! Pst. Archie Norman & Pst. David Kennedy have earned their Jungle Riders “TRAILBLAZER” Patch Riding in the “bush” of the Western Region of Ivory Coast is not for the faint at heart. Sweltering tropical humidity & temperatures, bugs,...
The Gospel & The Yacouba Tribe

The Gospel & The Yacouba Tribe

The Yacouba Tribe During the war starting in 2002, Ivory Coast was cut in half. Rebel troops controlled the northern half and loyalist the south. Pastor Joseph, our national director had a choice to make. Live among the rebels and continue to reach his people with the...