Our New HOME

Our New HOME

There are children, seemingly hidden from the world, who are in dire need of love and care. This is the case for many children living in the Western region of Ivory Coast. For them, life, even at its best, is a struggle. Many have had horrific experiences due to war...
Medical Missions Team – August 2014

Medical Missions Team – August 2014

Reaching The Lost & Healing The Sick In Remote African Villages This Medical Missions team of ladies endured one of the hardest trips of any team I have ever taken to Ivory Coast. The number of persons coming for medical help was more than humanly possible to...
Does Faith Promise Work Anywhere?

Does Faith Promise Work Anywhere?

Construction on the building for the Bangolo Church and Regional Missions Center was started more than 12 years ago. Because of war, it has been impossible to continue the project until now. It is situated some 35 miles deep into the interior of the country...
GAP Bible Institute & Training Center

GAP Bible Institute & Training Center

Gueré & Wobé Language Group Pictured are some of the pastors enrolled in the GAP MISSIONS Bible Institute. This satellite school is situated in the western town of Bangolo, region of the Gueré and Wobé tribes. Presently there are 28 pastors training under the...
New Church in Guinglo

New Church in Guinglo

This is a photo of the new church recently established in GUINGLO, not far from Bangolo where LaNelle and I first lived and worked. Many new churches like this one are being established as Pst. David and his team work their way through the Gueré territory. Christians...
Only God Could Do That!

Only God Could Do That!

The story of TAHY JOSUE SIMONIN Pastor David described Josue (Joshua) as a drug abuser and a “highwayman”. (Highwayman: A holdup man who robs travelers along a public road.) He was caught and, for his life of crime, the judge issued a twenty-year prison sentence for...