Sep 7, 2017 | Ministries, Radio Ministry
“RADIO BANGOLO” – Our National Mission in Ivory Coast, La Mission Baptiste Source du Rocher, is now on “Radio Bangolo” every Sunday evening with Pst. David Guei preaching and sharing studies from God’s Word. The station reaches out...
May 7, 2014 | From The Heart, Get Involved
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future!” Adolf Hitler This philosophy has proven itself true historically. The excitement and fervor of youth can “rock” the world. It is also true in our churches. Youth will “rock” your church and...
Mar 1, 2011 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry
Construction work continues on the mission property regardless of the political scene. The Lord has blessed beyond measure as LaNelle and I share the needs of Ivory Coast with churches across the USA. We know the Lord will complete what HE has started. We are thankful...
Nov 1, 2007 | Regional Updates
The Chief of Mondoukou gave us a hearty welcome to his village. We have already purchased three acres for the purpose of building a church, orphanage, and pastors training school. Construction to Begin in March Construction will begin in March, 2008. You can have a...