Mar 1, 2011 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry
Construction work continues on the mission property regardless of the political scene. The Lord has blessed beyond measure as LaNelle and I share the needs of Ivory Coast with churches across the USA. We know the Lord will complete what HE has started. We are thankful...
Nov 1, 2010 | Orphan Ministry
It is time for “Christmas With The Orphans” again. Several people will be joining me and LaNelle as we make this special 500 mile trip into the Rebel Zone to present a gift to each orphaned child. For most of these children, this will be the only gift they receive the...
Nov 1, 2010 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry
We are grateful for the construction teams who joined us on the Sept-Oct trip to continue work on the structures in Mondoukou. The teams completed the electrical and finished the beautiful wooden pulpit & choir platform in the church. The huge task of installing...
Dec 14, 2009 | From The Heart, Special Projects
This is a time when we take gifts to every orphan, where it is possible, under our care. Christians will be walking out of “bush” villages to Bangolo and Mahapleu to bring the orphans and celebrate Christmas together. Some walked as far as 38 miles last year to...
Nov 11, 2009 | Building Projects, Orphan Ministry
We are thankful for Rod, Dray, and EY, who invested their time and talents in the Ivory Coast Missions Project. They worked on getting the container out of port while waiting on the sawmill to cut our lumber. There is no “Home Depot”. Finding supplies is sometimes a...
Oct 2, 2008 | Building Projects, Pastor Training
Thanks John Robison & Shawn Griffin for donating your time, talents, and treasures to help us erect this BEAUTIFUL WORSHIP and TRAINING CENTER. Also, thanks to John Downs and Covenant Steel for donating this strong, well-designed building. We would also like to...